Title: Call Me Ryan Author: mcrkittie27 Character: Kurt/Rachel (Hummelberry) Rating: PG Word Count: 5,230 Summary: SEQUEL to "Let's Pretend" It's Rachel's turn to take Kurt out but the only thing they succeed in doing is confusing their friends.
Title: Let's Pretend Author: mcrkittie27 Character: Kurt/Rachel (Hummelberry) Rating: G Word Count: 1,385 Summary: set after "Silly Love Songs" Kurt and Rachel play pretend and he shows her that she's not alone
Title: Elizabeth Author: mcrkittie27 Character: Kurt Hummel Rating: G Word Count: 1,785 Summary: A short story about how strong and amazing Kurt Hummel's mother was
Title: Moon River Author: mcrkittie27 Pairing: Kurt/Blaine (Klaine) Rating: PG Word Count: 1,852 Spoilers: Spoilers for "Blame It On The Alcohol" Summary: A special moment between Kurt and a very drunk Blaine